Sunday 17 December 2017


The English class this term has been great, we have learnt a lot of new vocabullary about the units we study, but also vocabullary that people use on their daily live like idioms and also expressions that Michael taught us.
I really liked Michael´s classes because he is so spontaneous, and he is classes are quite fun.
I did well in speaking and I learnt lots of new vocabullary very easily, futhermore I got used to answer questions with full sentences and not answering them with just a short sentence. I think I didn´t get confused about anything in particular but I have to work in translation.
Outside english classes, I also practise this language in an academy to prepare my self for the fist certificate exam. I learnt a lot about the history of advertaising and a lot of vocabullary used in America with Michael.
In Itc classes we have learnt how to use Gimp, a photo edition program, this program could make a simple photo look great.
In P.E. we have learnt how to play handball and also lots of facts about our health. We also have started practising badminton and self defense.
It hass been a great term. See you on Monday.

Glossary Unit 2

Auction: "subasta"
Bid: money you offer to pay for a poduct in an auction.
Broadcast: to appear on Tv or radio
Appeal: to attract
Advertise: to anounce something on the media in order to sell it
Slogan: Catchy phrase used by companies to attract consumers
Bargain: a product with a huge discount
Purchase: to buy
Refund: when your money is gived back to you

Wednesday 13 December 2017

Glossary Units 0-1

Childish:  someone immature or someone that acts as a child
Bare foot: whithout any shoes or clothing in your feet
Unlike: conector to express contrast (a diferencia)
Shocket: place where you plug in things to the electricity
Fasten your seatbelts
For ages: for a long time
Fun-loving: a person who loves having fun
Picky eater: a eerson who doesn´t like many types of food
Bland: No taste
Couchpotato: Lazy

Sway project

Pablo and Alejandro Proyect
This is our proyect about Instagram